Thursday, November 29, 2012

Holy crap it's windy here, and gnarly double to triple overhead waves.
Radiation therapy went fine yesterday- am about to head over to El Camino for dose #2. They position me in the machine by using skin marks, then do a CT (every time). They then use the CT images to fine tune the positioning (by moving the table) for the actual treatment. The radiation gantry moves around me in an arc as the radiation dose is delivered. Varian RapidArc is the name of this- high tech, eh? This is so cool... I'm totally nerding out!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Great news! I start radiation tomorrow. It's 25 total doses, Mon-Fri, and the goal is to shrink all the enlarged lymph nodes inside my chest. This will improved the coughing and also wipe out nests of chemo-resistant cells, the end goal is to prolong this nice partial remission. Got chemo yesterday (Abraxane +Avastin+ Zometa) and am feeling awesome. Yahoo! Hope you guys are doing great as well.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Today I got chemo (Avastin, Abraxane, Zometa combo)- everything went fine. The radiation-plannning CTs from 10 days ago showed stable disease- yahoo!! The radiation oncologist said that he hasn't been able to construct a plan where my lungs don't get zapped, but he still thinks it is possible- he and the physicist are trying to solve the problem this week. I am so excited- it'll be a huge relief from the cough if they can zap those hilar and tracheobronchial nodes. Hooray!
Sebastopol was a blast!! Here's the view from our bed in the travel trailer:
Woke up early and had coffee on the deck that Sean built
Planted the #1 redwood tree of the season (5th overall). The ones from last season are green and looking super healthy. Have to clear chaparral and poison oak in the gully/creekbed ini order to clear a planting spot. Made tons of headway. Pretty snazzy poison-oak and tick- proof outfit (longs shirt tucked into long gloves and yoga pants, yoga pants tucked into socks, then Technu).

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hey!! Everything's going well. Planted a bunch of moss in the fern garden this morning, then watched football with Mata, Revio and Adam, and we're now headed north for an overnight in Sebastopol! I have a redwood tree to plant, trying to think of a name for it...

No news from radiation doc- expect to hear the verdict from my medical oncologist on Mon... Hope everybody has an awesome weekend! Wahoo!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!! We're about to sit down to turkey- my Mom, Shan, and Sean.
For some reason we did a massive amount of yardwork today, planted lots of bulbs, constructed new retaining wall for garden terraces. HiYA!
Here's the view from our place this am. Massive surf!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

No news yet from radiation dept at El Camino...
I went to see the new Bond movie with Claudia last night- amazing!! Good one to catch on the big screen.
Here's a photo of Yosemite Samantha. She comes bearing flowers and vino...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

We had breakfast at the Fairmont with the Sveivens today! Butch and Sean smuggled me bacon from the buffet. I forgot about the tiny ketchups and tiny syrups... They're in the process of erecting a ridiculously large gingerbread house there (picture a dude in a cherry picker putting the gumdrops on).

My sister brought over my Grandma's photo album today, so I'm going to have to post some of these. My second favorite pic is this one of my beautiful Mom (and me looking like Jabba the Hut). My very favorite one takes place in the tub circa 1976 and Shan's going to have to give permission, hehe...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hey everybody- nothing exciting to report here! Rain stopped and the sun came out, next storm tonight? Chains required on road to Kirkwood- ya!!
My miniature irises decided to bloom...?! These suckers are only a few inches tall.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Had a couple CTs today- will know within next week or so whether they can irradiate me. Everything's fine around here- plan to cruise into work for a few hrs tomorrow.
Check out this Mexican Butterwort- this is in my orchid box with my minis. This is the active verion of the other butterwort I showed you which was in its winter rosette. This one I've had for 5 or 6 years and it's never made a rosette- just blooms full time. Plant looks too beautiful to be carniverous!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I saw the radiation oncologist at El Camino today. He's hoping he can irradiate the residual cancer in my chest- he's running an MRI tomorrow to see if he can safely hit all of the affected lymph nodes, now that they've shrunk. The main worry is hitting lung (which causes pneumonitis) and esophagus. Fingers crossed. Post-chemo stuff is fine, stomach a little off and everything still tastes funky, otherwise ok :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Here's my little yard! You can't see the ton of vines that Sean removed this wkd (hehe) with the help of power tools. The vines took up the whole back of Janet's pickup truck (Tundra). He left those little bastards at the dump! My irises are all putting up new little fans- this time of year is so cool!  Post-chemo stuff is going fine- pain is milder this cycle.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hey guys, everything going fine post-chemo. Taking it easy, went road tripping with Barb Kitchell on Sat. We went to one of my favorite places 'California Carnivores' which is this masssive nursery filled with carniverous plants and orchids. I accidentally bought 3 tiny carn plants:

This is a Mexican butterwort in its 'winter rosette' form...

Then we went to Dillon Beach- freakin beautiful and windy!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy Friday, my friends!!
Everything is fine on this end- had a pretty full day at work today, saw some of my favorite clients. Just got acupuncture with Ella.
Got Summer a doggie door so she can reach her porch potty- but she's afraid of the flap. Working on that this wkd... any advice other than giving treats through it?! Argh!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Here are a couple more Maui pics from Oct!

Holy crap, look at me 1 year ago going snowboarding at Kirkwook (with hair)- aaaah. Heeheee, it's snowing in Tahoe right now. Yah!! So who wants to snowshoe around and drink peppermint schnapps with me this winter?
Chemo went fine. Taking it easy. People keep telling me my voice is coming back- hiyaaaaa!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Gearing up for a visit from Kitch and chemo tomorrow morning. I am bad at resting up (just pulled an entire yard waste bin of vines from the yard). These gd vines are making me crazy.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

This is my throat (my THROAT, you creepy pervs!). The left arytenoid is the side that got injected- you can see a couple of needle punctures. Throat way less sore than yest, Sean swears my voice is better. Yahoo. Still will be needing more milkshakes...
Here's what recuperation looks like- watching the ASP world tour (Coldwater Classic) on the computer with the Little Man and my Candy Corn Halloween slippers (thanks Janet!)...

Monday, November 5, 2012

Arytenoid injection went fine- whew!! Breathing a-ok, just have a sore throat. Thanks for all the texts and emails you guys. Yippee!! This is a great excuse to drink milkshakes, hehe...
Am going to get my left arytenoid injected at 3 in Los Gatos- wish me luck! I thought I'd post a photo of one of my stranger orchids, a cirrhopetalum. It hasn't bloomed for years! Check this out:

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Saw Chasing Maverick's yesterday- I thought it was great. Gerard Butler is really awesome- I am so impressed! The teenage dude that played Jay was great- is he an actual surfer? The love story seemed a little unlikely the way they presented it (glamourous blond older high school girl falls for childhood friend), but maybe that's the way it happened in real life?! The Mav's footage is amazing! Went to dinner in Montara- that place (La Costanera) has the tastiest seafood and Pisco Sours!

Friday, November 2, 2012

I realize that I am a total science nerd, but this book is freaking awesome!! I think even non-scientists would enjoy it- it's about the origin and spread of viruses (and back and forth transmission between the human and animal world), including SARS, Ebola, HIV-1, influenza etc...  Woohoo!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Good evening!! Thought I'd post a picture of Summer aka The Beagle, who recently snagged herself a tortilla! She is a senior citizen, but still enjoys ripping the ears off of stuffed animals...
Everything's fine with me. Mild cough, down to lower doses of pain meds. Going to work tomorrow!!