Sunday, November 18, 2012

We had breakfast at the Fairmont with the Sveivens today! Butch and Sean smuggled me bacon from the buffet. I forgot about the tiny ketchups and tiny syrups... They're in the process of erecting a ridiculously large gingerbread house there (picture a dude in a cherry picker putting the gumdrops on).

My sister brought over my Grandma's photo album today, so I'm going to have to post some of these. My second favorite pic is this one of my beautiful Mom (and me looking like Jabba the Hut). My very favorite one takes place in the tub circa 1976 and Shan's going to have to give permission, hehe...

1 comment:

  1. Jabba the Hut in a Santa hat :). I love that! And no, there is not permission to post that tub photo.
